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Terms Of Service

Modified: February 24, 2019

The following terms and conditions (the "Terms") govern the use of Emerald Protect s (the "Contents") and Services (the "Services"), which include Emerald Protect website(the "Website"), applications (the "Apps"), and any software provided by Emerald Protect (the "Softwares").


By accessing the Content or Services, you or those on your behalf agree to the following terms. These Terms are a legally binding contract between you and Emerald Protect (the "Agreement"). These terms apply to all Service users, including paid account holders. If you do not agree these terms, you are prohibited from using Emerald Protect's materials and services.


Emerald Protect has the right to alter these terms at any time. We may notify you of these changes through email, in-app message, or push notification if you've given us permission. You are responsible for routinely reading these terms for any modifications. Continuing to using Emerald Protect Contents and Services after the adoption of upgrades signifies acceptance of the revised terms.


Emerald Protect is committed to protecting your confidentiality. We neither collect nor keep traffic data, DNS queries, browsing history, or VPN connection destinations. Upon registration and purchase, we may request information such as your email address and payment information for customer service purposes. Please review the Privacy Statement on our website for more information on how we use and protect your personal information. We do not share any user information with third parties and will only comply with requests for information if a judge of competent jurisdiction authorizes us to do so.


You are granted a non-exclusive, non-transferable license to use our services by Emerald Protect. In no way may our services be modified, distributed, sublicensed, economically exploited, or made available to third parties.

Emerald Protect preserves all rights that are not explicitly granted to the user.


As a user of Emerald Protect Website, Apps, Software, and Services, it is your obligation to maintain compliance with all local, state, national, and international laws, regulations, and policies. By using these materials, you must also follow by these Terms and all applicable laws, regulations, and rules.

In order to maintain the security of your account, you must keep your Emerald Protect account details private. If someone else uses your user ID and password on our servers, you are responsible for any and all resulting activity. If you believe that your account information has been compromised, you should immediately notify Emerald Protect.

By using our Service, you agree to not:

Send unsolicited communications (i.e. "spam") in any form via the Service.

Send content that is illegal, abusive, hateful, threatening, obscene, or that infringes on intellectual property or invades privacy.

Distribute, reproduce, upload, download, or post copyrighted content without obtaining authorization or permission from the copyright owner.

Distribute, reproduce, upload, download, or post content that contains explicit or sexual depictions of minors.

Attempt to gain unauthorized access to the Service or its related systems or networks (i.e., any form of “hacking”).

Participate in any conduct that impairs or restricts the enjoyment or use of the Services by other users, including but not limited to unfair network usage (i.e., Utilizing substantially excessive bandwidth that exceeds the average user bandwidth usage for an extended duration or like manners that exert an excessive load on the network that may cause disturbance to other users on the network ).

Emerald Protect retains the right to take necessary action where the Service is used in violation of these Terms and relevant law, including canceling your account and access to the Service without a refund or prior notice.


The service supplied by Emerald Protect is provided "as is" and "as available" without promises or warranties. Emerald Protect does not guarantee that the Services will satisfy your requirements, that the Services will be available continually, or that certain elements of the services will be accessible. You recognize that your use of the Website and Services is at your own risk.

The VPN Service, including coverage, speed, quality, and server location, may vary, and the Service may be unavailable due to third-party service failure, emergencies, equipment or transmission faults, and network restrictions or interference. Emerald Protect is not responsible for any problems that may impact the accuracy, quality, security, or confidentiality of your data, messages, or pages, or for any service disruptions or performance issues.

Emerald Protect maintains the right to impose usage restrictions, suspend service, or block specific usage categories at our discretion.


Emerald Protect, its partners, affiliates, subsidiaries, members, officers, and employees shall under no circumstances be liable for any direct, special, indirect, consequential, or incidental damages, or any other loss or damage of any kind, even if advised of the possibility of such damages. This limitation of liability does not apply to the extent prohibited by relevant law.


The Service is owned and operated by Emerald Protect. Emerald Protect is the owner of the Service's visual interfaces, data, software, commodities, and other components, as well as its intellectual property rights.


You agree to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless Emerald Protect, its employees, agents, directors, shareholders, and affiliated entities from any and all claims, expenses, including legal fees stemming from your use of the Service and Content. In the event of such a claim, Emerald Protect reserves the right to assume the exclusive defense and management of the matter. Regardless of whether Emerald Protect assumes defense and control, you are still responsible for indemnification.